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Hausgemachte Musik

Codo schrieb:Well, I should not complain about not having the skills I want, if I keep wasting my time. Facepalm
Girl, I've been wasting time for 20 years. I only recently gained (some) skills because I turned into rush mode and now I'm doing almost nothing except musical education. There's a bunch of really clever guys on YouTube who really wanna help. Alan Belkin. JJay Berthume. OrchestrationOnline. Declan Plummer. Art of Composing. Andrew Gerlicher. More I forgot. So I watch everything they tell about voicing, voice leading, orchestration, counterpoint, basic harmony, advanced harmony, relative harmony and DAW usage. The sole duration of REAPER Mania I watched was over 9 hours and that's just the last three days... Wacko  my brain hurts but it's also awesome when the veil falls down and you start to understand things. I think I know about 1/3 of what I should know.

Zitat:I tried different strategies, but it's no use: I can work/focus on one thing just 15-30 minutes maximum. I constantly have to shift my focus
So shift it to something different but similar enough to stay on the topic. For instance I'm currently bored with these tutorials so I hunt samples for BtB (yes it also helps to write for themed events because you're forced to sail unknown waters in order to fit the theme). When I have decent samples, I will try to write something, and the more diverse samples I get, the more varied structures, specific to these instruments, come to mind - because when you hear the guitar you instinctively think of a completely different melody than when you blow the flute. Nonetheless if something doesn't sound right I will watch another tutorial which solves the issue, and so on. All these actions differ enough to serve as a break from each other, but are also related so I don't lose the point of the whole operation.

It also helps to attempt something MORE complex than you think you're ready to write - because each element of music works in a different way, so requires a step in a different direction, and you can use one discovery trip as a break from another. This way it's not one HUGE work anymore, but many separate, exploration-based missions filled with varied challenges and a major boss fight when you put everything together... like playing a good hub level. And instruments work differently from each other, requiring a similar-yet-separate approach, so I suppose when you know enough about them you can write for one section as a break from another. Like shifting focus from piano to strings, from strings to drums, from drums to FX and so on. I cannot confirm that, I haven't been there yet, but I suppose it might be like that Smile 

Of course there is still a moment when you should close the computer and go outside Smile 

Zitat:I'm not that good at improvising and generally just use broken chords for accompaniment.
My weakest spot, that's why I had troubles recognizing them Hrhr  Also the drum line in the original version is very loud in the beginning, while the harmony is really discreet. Later on in the song they become more balanced and my task was easier. I eventually included two versions of the chorus: 1) with chords I misheard at first attempt, 2) with chords I recognized after a more careful audition.

Zitat:Did you use a step sequencer or played it by hand? It sounds like the latter.
Unluckily I don't have a MIDI controller yet, I did it all note by note using the mouse Crying  . But I'm about to get such controller so possibly the next soundtrack will be done faster (to be honest I'm not satisfied at all with Greece) Big Grin 

Zitat:vAlan Belkin. JJay Berthume. OrchestrationOnline. Declan Plummer. Art of Composing. Andrew Gerlicher.

Thank you for the suggestions, I will take a look. Smile 

Zitat:For instance I'm currently bored with these tutorials so I hunt samples for BtB

Sample hunting, I remember these times. I used to work with the Impulse Tracker, which is completely based on samples.
I used everything I could find, recorded from the radio, raided game sounds, recorded my voice by using head phones as a microphone...
The audio quality of my old music is thus really bad, but with all the strange samples, it has a rather weird and rough sound.

Zitat:Girl, I've been wasting time for 20 years.
What is "wasting time"... Nachdenken 
Well, I definitely could have followed my projects and skills more wholeheartedly.
But I don't think I've wasted my time. I've done research, I'm raising a child, it's not that I'm doing nothing.

A friend of mine did the exact opposite. He is a musical GENIUS. I have some recordings of his piano compositions on audio cassette. What he composed at the age of 12 is mind-blowing.
He quit a well-paid job and sacrificed everything to persue a career as a profession musician. It didn't work (for other reasons than his music), he lost everything, couldn't go back to his old job and sold cleaner agends instead, tried to kill himself, and is now chronically depressed, unable to work and isn't even allowed to manage his own finances...
It's deeply ironic that showbusiness is such a cut-throat business that it destroys the sensitive souls that could contribute the most artistically.

I'm not saying nobody should risk anything to follow their passions, because you COULD lose, but that life is more...complicated. There's no foolproof "recipe."
You can try to make the best decisions, put in your best efford, follow your dreams, follow your "purpose"...and things that are not in your control can make you lose everything.
It also has hugely to do with luck. Being the right person with the right skills at the right place in the right time. Otherwise your skills and effords mean NOTHING.
I tried to play it safe by persuing a "serious" job. The safety turned out to be an illusion on a financial level, and I definitely could be happier (who couldn't..?). But I'm still financially and menthally in a much better place than he is.
Who did it "right?" Which one of us "wasted" their time? Nachdenken 

Zitat:Of course there is still a moment when you should close the computer and go outside Smile

The moment definitely arrived for me.
In the last year I spent way to much time on the computer. It was so bad that I became seriously socially isolated and depressed. I don't have many friends in real life with whom I can talk about my problems (I'm weird and intense, and that confuses people).
And venting at the internet made it WORSE. Afterwards I feld even more sad, isolated, lonely and misunderstood.
Nothing can replace real human interaction (at least for me), when you are emotionally in a bad place.
And if I'm working on my projects at the computer, it's way too easy for me to get distracted again. The internet is just a click away. Just a "quick" check what's going on on tumblr and twitter, aaaaand I'm getting sucked down again. Facepalm 

That's why I'm taking a different approach at the moment.
Piano instead of FLStudio, painting on paper instead of digital painting, reading books instead of tumblr, more going out and gardening instead of screentime.
I hope I can develop a healthy distance to the internet stuff someday, so I can work on my digigal projects again. I still have so much unfinished music, or music that I want to remake in FLStudio.
I'll show some of my older projects later this evening, which I find have at least potential. Especially if I unleash my digital orchestra on them.

I have some recordings of his piano compositions on audio cassette. He sold cleaner agends instead. now chronically depressed
But still alive and surrounded with people who demand music. I stumbled upon an unknown movie director because I couchsurfed at his friend's place. I met a former opera singer because he sold me a speaker. If I write bass vocal I will hire him for sure. Everything is a chance, it takes noticing it, and taking it or skipping. Increase possibilities as much as possible. If you have anything by this guy, share it as much as you can. One day we lose everything anyway, and this is gonna stay.

Being the right person with the right skills at the right place in the right time. Otherwise your skills and effords mean NOTHING.
Negative, see above. And it's not luck what makes you give up or fight. I on the other hand had a LOT of luck and stopped noticing it, overlooked or gave up chance after chance. That's wasted time, and nothing else. If he tried, he tried and nothing was in vain.

Piano instead of FLStudio
Might be coincidence, I took my keyboard out today, I can't believe this was a two-year break. Everything is decomposed, composing it back means so much more. I've been dealing with a single chord progression all night long, the main theme of Back to Basics.

I hope I can develop a healthy distance to the internet stuff someday
Cutting the bloody cable usually works but get all resources first, there's nothing worse than when you cut off and be like "oh shit I forgot the ukulele".

I'll show some of my older projects later this evening
Correct Big Grin  They might be suitable for Back to Basics, especially if nobody ever heard them... just suggesting.

Zitat:movie director ... former opera singer ...

Do you have any idea how many incredibly talented people exist as "ordinary" people?

Zitat: If you have anything by this guy, share it as much as you can.

Not publicly. Once it's on the internet, people steal like harpies.
I don't want to cause a Kaoma/Los Kjarkas scenario.
This guy has left basically nothing, and it would probably literally kill him if someone steals his stuff and get all the praise and money for it.

Zitat:If he tried, he tried and nothing was in vain.
Is this was we are supposed to do? Run after something, until it destroys us? Blink  Nachdenken 
I can only speak for myself, but I'd rather be ordinary, boring, alive and....happy. Wink 

Zitat:Everything is a chance, it takes noticing it, and taking it or skipping.
Kill me, but in my 20s I had connections to a music industry giant, and said no. Big Grin 
I regretted it on the days when my job pissed me off, but knowing what I know NOW, I'm more than glad that I decided that way. Eek! 
The music industry is probably the worst of the entertainment industry.
Dudebros (and worse...) everywhere, especially in positions of power. Just look what happened to Kesha. Thumb down 
My tolerance for bullshit and manipulation is also way too low. I couldn't sell my soul for success.

I don't want to sound pessimistic, and I certainly don't want to hold you back. Wink 

For me it's the old question what you REALLY want in life, and most people don't know that.*
They chase professional success as if it's the only thing that could give meaning and fullfillment.
They think that being talented at something means it HAS to be your passion and purpose.
They listen to advice from people who have completely different backgrounds, aspirations, motivations and personalities.
And -as always in life- you just have to be prepared that things don't go the way you want.
Otherwise you could end like my friend and NOT get rescued last minute.

This is my last Impulse Tracker work from 2000, a rather complex composition for that time. It's kind of obvious I composed it for orchestra.
Strange Ways
It's not suitable for BtB, because it has personal meaning for me and I have other plans with it. Big Grin 

And some stupid shit from the 90s:
A good ( Hrhr  ) example how I used my voice to make sounds. The sirens and squeaks, that's me. Hrhr 
The fart synth is however completely synthetic.

* Including me.
But at least I know what I DON'T want. Wink 

Codo schrieb:And some stupid shit from the 90s:
A good ( Hrhr  ) example how I used my voice to make sounds. The sirens and squeaks, that's me.  Hrhr 
The fart synth is however completely synthetic.
Ohne Scheiß, ich finde das voll gut. xD Klingt nach Quietscheentchen. Hrhr  Kommt wegen dem Gebimmel bestimmt gut als Weckton. Big Grin 

Wenn ich so geweckt werden würde... Wehe du! 

@ DJFull

I feel a bit bad for bragging about my connections to you. Blush 
I can tell you who it is, if you are interested. He's a member of the TR community, but seems to be inactive, and I spoke to him the last time about 10 years ago.
But maybe you can still reach out to him. He can at least give you some valuable tips...if you can deal with his snark. Big Grin 

Edit: Of course you want to know. Stupid me. Hrhr 
I'll write you a PN.

Thanks Smile 

In fact I meant to help that genious guy, not myself. We risk a theft anytime we share something, but nobody can hear us if we don't share anything. And if fear of loss makes us hide more and more for ourselves, we progressively flee the chance to be heard. Notice how your friend "left nothing" and "lost everything" but still fears to "lose something". It spins the wrong way! But he can make a compilation of unstealable bits to show producers. They need his music and they don't need to hear a whole piece to know the character. If he lost hope, he should trust the physics. A nuclear bomb explodes at critical mass, never before, what means two things: multiple attempts might fail, but one extra try might be extremely important. When looking for a stay in Budapest I asked 64 people and only the last one agreed to host me. If I had given up at 63th, I would be convinced it didn't work, and possibly never try again. But it did work, and we saw the Matias church from The Experiment 3.2 in real life.

I myself cannot say much about destructive passion, I rather found lack of passion destructive. I expect thieves to steal, so I won't mind if they do, as long as I have something to eat and a place to write. Even if only 1/100 of what I ever make will bring me money, even if someone will use my music in order to get filthy rich, I don't care because whatever I wanted to tell is getting heard, the entire point achieved. I got rid of any need for property, or profit, or success. I'm free except from that "forced mission" to compose, which doesn't originate from pursuing any success, but from having stuff in my head nobody else will ever write and I would hate it getting wasted. Of course I know things might go wrong but they only really will if I give up or if I suddenly die, only in that moment all gets destroyed, that's why I have two goals, to survive and to write all as long as I'm here, nothing else matters that much. And yes, music industry is vicious, I heard the same about film industry, so film music must be total mess as a combination of both. But I also don't mind it, I accept and do my stuff anyway. Don't worry, no matter what you say you cannot hold me back, only I am capable of doing such nonsense.

In short: you talk to that friend of yours and force him to try one more time. There's nothing except from himself preventing him from trying once more, and he won't lose anything if he does. My father wrote his first song when his friend locked him in a tool storage and didn't let him out until the song is ready. Stanisław Moniuszko, our great opera writer, did the same to his lyrics producer until he got a ready libretto of "Halka"... and I sometimes wish somebody did this to me.

They listen to advice from people who have completely different backgrounds, aspirations, motivations and personalities.
Oh, this is good, it causes new combinations. One guy went into film music by following a dubstep tutorial. One small dubstep for man...


OH SHI*... I left a kettle of water boiling in the kitchen for an hour, I totally forgot about it... talk about too much internet, that was a step from disaster...

right, I'm back... the kettle isn't burnt... what was I saying? These two tracks you uploaded are among the best, if not THE best electrical ones I heard from you - the effects are really creative and diverse, the blend is seamless and the mix is cleaner than whatever I made. Listened to it three times already and I don't have enough of it, and the dog doesn't mind either. I literally hear The Bells as a missing track from BtB 2010, with Lara grabbing the Vespa and jumping over Venetian rooftops so I book this as a vehicle theme for my Advent level, unless you have other plans for it as well Big Grin  And here's another happy coincidence, a road worker team has been ripping our pavement apart with help of a pneumatic hammer, and when I opened your file I heard identical frequencies and pattern uploaded just minutes later...

Strangeways might have been composed for orchestra but they do very good as an electric track. I would risk a statement it could even be boring if orchestrated, and now it's just fine. Possibly this is because it's not that frequent to actually hear extensive melodic and harmonic content in synth tracks, some people just put in a bunch of chords and that's all, while here we have multiple layers... I heard these waves from different parts of the world, like S3rl or DJ Delirium, but you are yet something different, more peaceful (yea I mean it) and spacious.

Zitat: I got rid of any need for property, or profit, or success.

I don't need it either. But wanting to be recognized in one way or another IS human. Nachdenken 
I also see my creative work more as a part of me than as a message to the world.
Thus, I take it personally if it's taken away from me and out of context.

And I won't share publicly what is not mine. He deleated his website. It's obvious he wouldn't want it.

Zitat:even if someone will use my music in order to get filthy rich,

It's not my goal to be rich, but just the act of stealing pisses me off. I'm not THAT selfless to thieves.

Zitat:In short: you talk to that friend of yours and force him to try one more time.

If he wants it himself, I can support him. But I certainly won't force a mentally ill person to do the same thing that ruined him.
What happened to him also has to do with his personality. (Too personal for a public forum)
I doubt that things would be different on the next try. Nachdenken 
But he's still doing music and playing in a band. Maybe someday, when he's ready.

Zitat:and the mix is cleaner than whatever I made.

I tried to clean up the mp3 a bit in FLStudio, since there are no mastering options in the Impulse Tracker.
But the original versions are very low quality.

Zitat:I would risk a statement it could even be boring if orchestrated, and now it's just fine.

No, the mix makes it interesting. I often combine synthetic and acoustic instruments. It's typical for my music.
But I want to replace the shitty samples.

Zitat:Possibly this is because it's not that frequent to actually hear extensive melodic and harmonic content in synth tracks

Sadly not. I find my music still too repetitive, because I mostly just use two or three different parts.
And I have to add break-downs to make it more interesting. But often I just...

[Bild: instruments.jpg]

Another old (1998-ish) Impulse Tracker mod that needs revamping (and uses way too many instruments at once Blink  ):

I have no idea what music style this is. Nachdenken 

And since your reactions to Bells were positive, I'll try to find something REALLY bad and annoying. [Bild: uglyharhar.gif]

I also see my creative work more as a part of me than as a message to the world.
Ah, that's different indeed. I never wrote anything just for myself. I tried but this just doesn't work as a reason for me Smile 

He deleated his website.
Awghh... crap. One of THEM. So many contradictions... I remember being close to deleting my stuff one day, but one WISE woman told me DON'T. And I didn't.

It's not my goal to be rich
That was just an extreme example, it meant "no matter what".

I certainly won't force a mentally ill person to do the same thing that ruined him.
Things don't ruin, wrong handling does.

But he's still doing music and playing in a band.
Ohhh, so good to hear... there's some light Smile 

I tried to clean up the mp3 a bit in FLStudio, there are no mastering options in the Impulse Tracker
Not sure how the Tracker works, if that took cleaning a single compiled track then that cleaning was excellent.

I want to replace the shitty samples.
Just in case I play the violin, and viola Smile 

uses way too many instruments at once
Didn't notice. Sounds good to me. Need to listen a couple more times.

I have no idea what music style this is. Nachdenken 
I call it a "scroller", it fits a platform game where you can only walk from left to right.

And since your reactions to Bells were positive, I'll try to find something REALLY bad and annoying.
You might attempt the impossible. But at least try to beat THIS piece from 2010.

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